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Kamis, 31 Juli 2008

To Find as Many Profitable Niche Markets for Info Products as You Will Ever Need

Just how do you go about selecting the best niche or niches for your online business to exploit? After all information or e-book marketing is a proven and lucrative business but for those without the right know how, choosing a niche market can be both time consuming and disheartening.

Fortunately there are tried and tested methods for finding suitable niches, which anyone can adapt and use in their own business. In this article I want to highlight a very simple, straightforward strategy for finding as many profitable niche markets to sell e-books in to as you could ever want.

First go to:-

This is an amazingly useful site for finding out how popular a niche is and it doesn't cost a penny to sign up to.

Just type in any niche markets which interest you. For instance, if you are interested in organic gardening you would type in "organic Gardening". All you need to do then is list all of the sub niches within the general niche of organic gardening. These are all potential niches for your business to exploit.

Often overlooked, the major bookselling organisation Amazon is an incredible resource for finding niche markets. In the search bar on the company's website, select books and then type in the niche that you would like to create a product for. Market gardening would once again be a good example. The results of this search will provide plenty of insight into potential sub niches at which your e-book can be aimed. The topics covered by the books, DVDs or CDs in your niche interest will show you what are the main concerns of your potential niche. Check the sales rankings as an indication of demand.

Don't worry because you are not going to be competing with Amazon. You are going to be catering to the market in a very different way. As an e-book publisher your customers can download your products straight away rather than having to wait days or even weeks for their books to arrive from Amazon.

Another bonus is that downloadable info products tend to be regarded as having a higher perceived value than their physical paper and print counterparts. Selling a book through Amazon may make you fifteen dollars but as a downloadable e-book it could fetch up to fifty.

The Dummies company, are master craftsmen when it comes to creating products for niche markets and their website is a superb research tool for the e-book publisher to use. You will find masses of niche topics and ideas within the "for dummies" book range. Simply search through their titles in general niches that interest you and make a list of all the possible e-book topics that you see.

Article directories are, just about the best way to find subjects to create e-books around. The directory Go Articles is just one of many in which you can go to the site, type in a niche subject in the search bar and get literally thousands and thousands of e-book ideas.


Visit existing websites catering to your potential niche. What solutions do they offer? If the site runs a forum or notice board, what are the most commonly discussed topics? How does the website look? Could you provide better solutions for their customers?


Go to your local major bookseller/magazine retailer and look at publications aimed at the niche in which you are interested. Buy a few to study. What questions are asked in the letter pages? What is being advertised? What concerns do the editorials commonly express? Could an e-book provide solutions?

Use of the above research methods will help you to get a definite feel as to the potential of any niches that you have an interest in.

Done properly e-book or info publishing can be a very profitable business model. You won't become a millionaire overnight with one site or one product but, build a network of sites, and you can get there. The key here is being able to come up with an endless amount of niche product ideas. Then all you need to do is create the product.

That's easy to say isn't it? "All you need to do" is create a product. They're hard to create right? Actually, no they are not. There is plenty of no cost content online for you to use and some good software products to help you turn it into a quality e-book. If you don't want to create your own product simply go to and you will have experienced writers bidding to do the work for you.

You are an internet marketer, not a writer. Have one product created, set up pay per click campaigns, write a press release and blast a few articles over the net on the topic of your e-book. Create another and then another and so on...........

Multiple streams of autopilot income are the secret of all wealthy entrepreneurs. Now anyone can set up multiple income streams filling their bank accounts twenty four seven thanks to e-books and the internet.

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