Starting a free online business is calling you but you are worried about not having options available. Don't the let the lack of funds sway your decision. There are many options available for little to no cost; all you have to do is a little research. The hardest part of starting a business is deciding what type of work you want to do, what will you specialize in (niche) and who you will want to work with (target market). Once you know what you want to do, it will be easier to research the steps to starting your own online business.
Licensing: You will want to check with your local licensing office, as there are multiple types of business licenses available, but keep in mind that there may be a minimal fee.
Payment Processing: How will you accept payments? There are many payment processors online who will allow you to open an account for free, and charge you per transaction.
Domain Name and Hosting: There are several hosting companies that will start you out for free and include a free domain and email, just be aware that there may be limits to what you can do and they may include their own advertising. Some companies also offer the option to upgrade later. Just spend the extra time doing your homework here because starting free then moving to a different option later could cost you more in the long run.
Accounting: You will want some form of accounting as you will still be required to pay taxes, and you will want a way to track your business. Most computers come with free programs on them that will suit your purpose just fine. Some even offer the option to upgrade when your business grows to the point of needing additional features.
Communication: How will you communicate with your customers? If you are primarily going to be doing business online, all communication options may not be necessary, but you will still want a back up plan, should the need ever arise. Your local phone company may offer a fax feature with your phone line, just ask what they have available and set your computer up to receive faxes as needed.
Business Image: Do you have a logo in mind? Do you know how to create your website? Are you good with graphics? If not, there are many businesses that proved free templates, for you to get started right away. If you know anyone who is good with graphics, see if they are wiling to trade services with you.
As you can see, researching the steps to starting a business will enable you to begin with the least amount of money and put you on your road to success.
Licensing: You will want to check with your local licensing office, as there are multiple types of business licenses available, but keep in mind that there may be a minimal fee.
Payment Processing: How will you accept payments? There are many payment processors online who will allow you to open an account for free, and charge you per transaction.
Domain Name and Hosting: There are several hosting companies that will start you out for free and include a free domain and email, just be aware that there may be limits to what you can do and they may include their own advertising. Some companies also offer the option to upgrade later. Just spend the extra time doing your homework here because starting free then moving to a different option later could cost you more in the long run.
Accounting: You will want some form of accounting as you will still be required to pay taxes, and you will want a way to track your business. Most computers come with free programs on them that will suit your purpose just fine. Some even offer the option to upgrade when your business grows to the point of needing additional features.
Communication: How will you communicate with your customers? If you are primarily going to be doing business online, all communication options may not be necessary, but you will still want a back up plan, should the need ever arise. Your local phone company may offer a fax feature with your phone line, just ask what they have available and set your computer up to receive faxes as needed.
Business Image: Do you have a logo in mind? Do you know how to create your website? Are you good with graphics? If not, there are many businesses that proved free templates, for you to get started right away. If you know anyone who is good with graphics, see if they are wiling to trade services with you.
As you can see, researching the steps to starting a business will enable you to begin with the least amount of money and put you on your road to success.
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